Wonder Drug Book

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Press Releases & Media Coverage

The compassion solution

In February, Canadians received a rude wake-up call about the lack of compassion of some Ontarians. After a late-night Amber Alert chimed on cellphones signalling the abduction of 11-year-old Riya…

Compassion: A powerful tool for improving patient outcomes

The release of Compassionomics: The Revolutionary Scientific Evidence That Caring Makes a Difference, authored by physician-scientists Stephen Trzeciak and Anthony Mazzarelli, has ignited a…

Health Care’s Compassion Crisis: Why Caring Makes a Difference

Compassion in health care seems like it should be a given. Doctors enter the demanding field of medicine because they want to help people, and patients want physicians who care deeply about their…

How compassion from doctors helps patients heal

We knew compassion matters in healthcare. Now we can measure by how much, and how to build it.

Compassion measurably improves patient outcomes and saves money. How do we build it into healthcare?

For patients, a caregiver’s compassion is essential

The 34-year-old man lay in his ICU bed for over a month — dependent on a breathing tube and artificial respirator to stay alive. The patient knew his life hung in the balance, as he was a physician…